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From home to mile zero of the Alaska Highway at Dawson Creek, British Columbia: We pushed hard to get to mile 0 at the start of the Alaska Highway within a week, but did take a two day break to enjoy Glacier National Park.

We can't believe where we are! The rig is working great. Our little Mad Max trailer is amazing. So far, so good!

Banff, Jasper, and the Ice Fields in British Colombia were amazing. We saw a very special event in the Whistler Campground near Jasper. There is a resident heard of elk that move into the RV park each year to delivery their calves. They feel safe in the park, and they drop babies everywhere! It's crazy seeing them right in with the RV's. People just ignore them. They deliver right in camps, next to cars, tables, etc. We were instructed to just keep a safe distance and not bother them. It was amazing.